What is the secret to make sure your ship doesn't remain icebound?
Good eye contact
Friendly smile
Positive and quick confident communication.
If you get the first two ones right, but don't manage properly the third one: icebound ship. The first conversation doesn't
have to be deep. Yet, you can find out about people rapidly and identify if they might fit. I usually know very fast if there's
any interest. It can be at a party, in a bar, anywhere when you meet new people. The point is to look for things you have
in common, and to remain open.
What do you like? SILENCE
You will get more than you need to screen people, and avoid wasting your time.
What is your favorite movie? Who is your favorite actor? (music, sports, whatever is your favorite entertainment)
What's your favorite animal?
Do you prefer cats or dogs?
If you had to go on an island, what would be the 3 movies you would take with you?
If you had to go on an island, what would be the 3 things you would take with you?
What is the place you liked the best in your life? Why?
What are for you 3 important qualities?
Keep in mind that it's not so much about the conversation, it's about the way you are during the conversation. Words can
break the top of the iceberg. If you want to break the ice deeply, you'll go much quicker by warming up the air. Global warming
has had recently a much more powerful effect on the ice sheet of the Arctic than any Russian icebreaker throughout the last
decades. In less than 1 week, kilometers of ice broke and started to float away. It was "just" the temperature.
Think about it...
Make the ice melt with a smiling light dancing in your eyes, a finger on your lips, a hand in your hair, a warm smile,
the tone of your voice, the perfume on your neck, and your whole body attitude. Be body-conscious, gentle, educated, relaxed,
confident and positive. Then you'll get SUCCESS.
If you are SMART, it's a good START.
Relax, and have fun, my friend.
And you're lucky because today, you can get the best proven techniques to awaken sexy feelings in anyone. If you really
want to make anyone crazy about you, get my seduction guide "The French Secrets".
Your French Coach,
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About the author: Doc Lamour is a famous dating expert and resides in Paris, the city of love.