Feel good. It helps in dating in Paris and anywhere on the planet.
Radiate dynamic energy. Smile and exhale joy and happiness as if you were on top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Find the right
spot for your date. Be sure to give your date the feeling that every moment you spend together is precious.
Look good. Dress well before dating. Make-up well. Be at your best. I
give you a very important tip, think about your shoes. Some people are so ridiculous with their shoes. Shoes betray your whole
personality. They can speak more about yourself than any psychiatrist. So, please, don't ruin your style.
Smell good. Soap, shower gel, toothpaste, dental floss, perfume, deodorant
and eau de toilette are your best weapons for dating.
Be good. Show that you are fun to be with and that the dating sun is shining
in your head! When you first show up to your dating rendez-vous, if your heart is beating faster and faster, you can be sure
you are lucky. A good dating tip to relax: breathe in and breathe out.
Dating is an art, but more than anything a state of mind. Be positive
is a good tip.
- Don't moan.
- Don't discuss past relationships.
- Don't use "no" every 5 seconds.
- Don't use repetitive negative sentences: "I don't like", "I hate".
- Don't complain about your boss, your work, your ex, or your situation.
too many negative signals can become a big turnoff. Nobody wants to enjoy spending time with a loser or somebody who collect
- Don't share your misery.
S/he came to a date, looking for something wonderful,
not to help you to get out of misery. As a date, your job is to make your partner go home and think: "God, I feel really good
with him/her"! A positive attitude is always a big turn-on.
- Don't empty your problems bag. Keep on reading dating tips on our site lovetips-paris.com. If you want to confess: go to church, not into dating.
- Don't say: "I don't like the rain in London". Say:"I love Paris in summer."
see? Little things like that change the whole atmosphere.
- Don't say: "I hate whisky." Just say: "I love French Champagne with strawberries."
Romance in dating is magic. Have a superior state of mind compared to
what s/he's used to. So many people are average or uninteresting because they don't know how to take time and be romantic
when dating. Doesn't mean feel superior to the world or to your date, but smarter, more respectful and educated. Pay attention
to the smallest details in the conversation and prove that you are considerate. Good listening skills means listening carefully.
Be fun. Don't be afraid to start the conversation. Be romantic and sexy
with your attitude, your hands, your legs, your bust, your eyes. Maintain eye contact, improve the magic of nonverbal communication
and smile. You will make the difference.
With waiters, waitresses, host, hostesses, taxi drivers, or just anyone else.
A good dating tip is to give tips. Your partner will consider as much the way you interact with total strangers as
with him/her. The waiter could be his brother, his neighbor. The waitress could be her sister or her best-friend or just her
a few months or years ago. Not many people were born with a silver spoon in their mouth.
Keep in mind that most of
people have done small jobs, and even if they have a nice situation by now, they never really forget the hard time they had,
during their first professional experiences and the power of human stupidity.
If the green beans are not cooked enough or if the burger is cold, don't get
mad. It's not the fault of the waitress. She probably started yesterday and will quit next week.
Get condoms. Don't assume that your partner is responsible to save your life
and to have condoms. Be ready. You are on your own. Going to a date without condoms is like jumping out of a plane without
a parachute. It IS dangerous. Don't wait until the last minute to get condoms. AIDS gets people everyday. Do you want to be
the next one? No. So, don't play the Russian roulette with your body.
Moreover, if you are not ready for pregnancy, it will save you a hell of a time.
And guys, this does count for you as well. It takes two to tango. So please, act like men.
You only have one life. Enjoy it, don't destroy it.
Note: this doesn't mean that if you go to a date, you end up in bed of
course. Deciding when you want to make love is YOUR choice, no matter what people can tell you. Take the time first to find
out what is in the packaging. It is YOUR own decision and you can take as much time as you want till you really feel confident,
trust, and really care for your partner. There are no age limits to do it for the first time. The only thing is to do it with
the right person when you are ready to do it, and when you really want to do it, not before.
But please, don't go on a boat without a lifejacket.
Have a wonderful time and share your feelings and emotions. Live to be loved
and love to believe. To believe in the magic of life and love.
Hey, if you haven't kissed yet, you have to plan another rendezvous. Don't wait
the last minute. Just say: "What are you doing tomorrow?"
Careful, if you are answered "I'm busy for the whole day, and probably the next
ten years"..., you might be on the ejection seat, watch your head! You can seduce people, but you can't change people's
life. You can't make people love you. Otherwise, everybody would be president, and it would be a mess.
Don't hesitate to show your true feelings from time to time. Look at him/her,
your eyes ablaze with passion.
When the time to separate has arrived, just say: thanks, it was really good ...Walking
in the forest, climbing the hill, watching the stars, roller-blading, going to the dentist (who knows?:-)... with you.
Why saying this? Because this last words will rock the beat of love for you like
the sweet music on an exotic sand beach.
Tender cheek kiss, transform it or not? Big time has arrived, if you
haven't kissed yet and if you feel you can take the plunge. Then, be relaxed, show to your someone special that you are not
in any hurry.
Take your time and give a tender cheek kiss. Think about the 5 minutes before
and evaluate the situation. You can brush against him/her to see how s/he reacts. Girls, you can stumble. Guys, you can help
her for any reason. Any real physical contact, hands, fingers, arms, shoulders will give you a good clue of how much the other
likes you. This nonverbal communication will tell you more than words if this someone special invites you and welcome you
to invade his/her space.
All these piece of information will help you to transform or not your tender
cheek kiss in a hot and passionate burning kiss.
Find more articles at: http://www.lovetips-paris.com
Tip: Holding a hand and cuddle is much more romantic for a start than
giving a blunt kiss. It helps building confidence and desire. Be patient. I want you to be a good pilot. So, you will not
go down in flames, and know exactly where to land your lips.
Bonne chance!
If you want to know how to make anyone crazy about you, look at the success guide "The French Secrets".
About the author: French Doc is a famous international dating expert and
resides in Paris, the city of love.